Monday, January 6, 2014

For STEM Students


(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Note to Parents:

     I've created this area for your students inside of this Engineering blog with the specific intent for him or her to be provided an opportunity to compare & contrast what they are learning in school to those ideas that are used in an actual Professional Engineering context - the other areas of this Blog. This area is also meant to discuss areas that I've noticed to be somewhat difficult for the typical math & science student.

Third Degree Polynomials:

How do you factor X^3 - 27 or X^3 - 8 or X^3 - 125 or X^3 + 64 or X^3 +/- C^3?

     Many students now being introduced to Polynomial factoring have difficulty with this and many other mathematical concepts. The following tutorials make understanding these concepts much easier:

Private Online Tutorials (Produced For Family, Friends, Associates, etc.):

Cubic Equations - How Cubic Equations are Factored - A Geometric Proof

Readily Available Online Tutorials:

Cubic Equations - How To Find Roots - A High Level Overview

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